Alerta máxima: ¡Elimina gases y pedos con remedios caseros!

Careful! Having a lot of gas can be a problem, but when is it normal and when can it be due to an illness? The gases, the swollen belly, can be a symptom of a serious hidden health problem. Hello everyone. I’m Dr. Veller, a specialist in internal medicine and nephrology. And today I will reveal everything about this to you. That you suffer from excessive flatulence. Today I am going to give you some very powerful tips to eliminate them naturally. And by following these tips, you will be able to eliminate up to 80% of the problem. It does not matter if you are a man, a woman, young, old or if you already have a chronic health problem.
The Causes of Gas
First. Who eliminates more gases? Men or women? Well, there is no difference. It is exactly the same. Humans can pass gas 10 to 20 times a day. This is normal. And most odorless. Each about the volume of a golf ball. This is roughly equivalent to one liter of gas per day produced by each person. Now, if we consider all the gases produced by people in the world, it is equivalent to 7 trillion liters per day released into the air.
Now, why do we form so many gases? And here is the key to this video, which will help you a lot to improve your life. This is very interesting. Most believe that it is because of the food we eat or because of excess fermentation in our intestines. But one of the greatest discoveries of recent times showed that only 20% of the gases we eliminate every day is related to this in most people. 80% of the gases that we have trapped in our intestines or that we eliminate come from the air that we swallow without realizing it. And understanding this, you will be able to solve much of the problem. So we can divide the causes of many gases into three large groups. First, excessive intake of air. Second, bad eating habits or fermentation of some foods in our intestine. And three undiagnosed health problems.
Tips to Eliminate Excessive Gas
I’m going to tell you how to know, especially the third if you have a hidden disease. But if you follow these tips that I am going to tell you now, you will improve a lot and from one day to the next. They are expert advice. First learn to breathe through your nose. Whoever breathes through the mouth swallows air. Second, chew slowly and at least ten times before eating the food. In this way digestion will begin in the mouth and not in the stomach. This facilitates the work of the other organs. Most people chew 2 to 3 meals before swallowing. This was seen in studies. In these people, digestion is slower, messier and they accumulate a lot of gases.
Third, avoid talking during meals. This produces aerophagia. That is, we swallow air. Fourth. And this is something that many do not know, it seems counterintuitive, but do not drink liquids during meals. This is mainly important in people who suffer from a lot of flatulence. Drinking fluids during meals can dilute gastric juice or prevent the stomach from breaking down food properly, delaying digestion by up to an hour. It makes our digestion slower, more difficult. What I recommend is that you drink water 30 minutes before eating or two hours after to facilitate digestion. And now I am going to tell you about some natural foods or infusions that you can prepare to improve these symptoms.
- Ginger: Consuming it raw or in the form of tea 30 minutes before or two hours after meals can greatly improve these symptoms.
- Cloves: You can prepare it with a teaspoon of cloves in 200 milliliters of water, let it rest for ten minutes and take it 30 minutes before or two hours after meals.
- Mint, star anise, and chamomile: These herbs are very good for the stomach and digestive symptoms.
- Add herbs to your dishes: Basil, parsley, pepper, and cardamom can help reduce flatulence.
Another piece of advice, do not lie down to sleep after eating. The famous naps. In fact, to facilitate the elimination of gases you have to walk after eating five or ten minutes. It can be inside your own house. Now other very important habits that can really improve your quality of life. Take at least one or two glasses of water on an empty stomach. You can add half a squeezed lemon if you like. This activates your intestine early and makes you start the day with a reflex called «gastro colic», that is, a reflex that stimulates peristaltic movements, improves intestinal transit and not only your intestine, all your digestive organs will work better. Try to walk 30 minutes every day. This can dramatically improve your symptoms.
Identifying Problematic Foods
Now, there are people who actually produce more gas than others, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are sick. This may be for a reason functional, that is, the characteristics of the person. They are simply more sensitive or due to swallowing more air, being very anxious, eating quickly or having a greater painful response to the increase in intestinal volume, they suffer more from this problem. In these people, in addition to the advice I gave you above, it is recommended to avoid some types of food and the list is very long. But try to identify which one is really bad for you. For example, reduce frying, foods with a lot of oil. Reduce lactose, milk, cheese and foods made with white flour, since they may have some degree of intolerance to these foods. Avoid consuming beer, as this liquid ferments our intestines a lot. Many people don’t like grape juice, especially whole grain. Avoid sweets in general. Industrially prepared sauces. Also avoid prepared vegetables and ferments, for example, radish, sauerkraut or some seeds. Avoid excess fiber. Although the fibers are very good in excess, they can cause constipation and excess gas, especially in a person who was not previously used to consuming it. For example, those people who were not consuming oatmeal and suddenly started eating it. What we suggest is that you do it little by little and drink a lot of water. Another piece of advice is to avoid cigarettes as much as possible. If you are thinking of quitting smoking, this is the moment. Cigarettes are bad for your gut. And there is something that many adults forget. You have to deworm your entire family and also your pets, since this can often be the problem. My advice is to deworm mainly if you can’t remember when was the last time you did it.
By following these tips, you will not only improve your gases, you will improve the quality of life. But the important thing here is not to limit all these foods, but to identify which one is the heaviest for you. There are people who, for example, do not tolerate beans, onions, eggs, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts. Once you identify them, you can get the same nutrients from other healthy foods, for example tomato, cucumber, lettuce, avocado, which are vegetables or foods that tend to produce less gas. Of course, each organism is different. That is why we have to find what is best for us to readapt our diet.
When to Seek Medical Attention
Now many people worry because they may have a hidden disease and I’ll tell you how to know this, but keep in mind that there are people who are sensitive, even artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, saccharin, stevia, erythritol. Chewing gum, for example, is a habit that produces a lot of gas, especially if you talk while you chew. And sometimes this is made worse by the content of artificial sweeteners it contains. But hey, doctor, I have a lot of gas, my belly is swollen, it hurts, it makes me nauseous. What can I have? It is true that in some cases this may reflect a disease, for example, a dysbiosis or alteration of the intestinal microbiota or an overgrowth of bacteria in parts of our intestine that should not have bacteria. It can also be some stomach disease, gastritis, ulcer, inactivity, some disease of our common gallbladder. Calculus in the gallbladder the gallbladder is inflamed. This manifests itself with pain, a feeling of heaviness after eating, nausea. Many times the pain is reflected in our shoulder or our scapula region on the right. We think it is a muscle contracture, but it is actually a gallbladder problem. It could be a liver problem, such as fatty liver or hepatic steatosis. You can have many diverticula in your intestine. And sometimes, in rarer cases, it can be bowel cancer. In other words, some disease is hidden and it is necessary to investigate it. What may be happening is that your intestine may be twisting or fighting against a slowly growing obstruction. For example, chronic constipation or a tumor that is growing without us noticing in the wall of our intestine. Then the gases accumulate, our belly distends. We have abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Many times the gases accumulate due to the cessation of intestinal movements or transit slow. This can occur as a side effect of some medications, diabetes, especially when it is not controlled, hypothyroidism, spinal problems. So. At this time, medical consultation is essential. But in general, you should suspect that your problem is not functional, that is, that you may have a disease in any of these situations. First, if it is difficult for you or you cannot release gases easily. This causes symptoms to accumulate and cause pain, nausea, a swollen belly and very frequently. This is not normal. Second, if you have other associated symptoms, for example unexplained weight loss, hidden anemia for which no one knows the reason, or you have some alteration in your evacuation habit. That is, you went to the bathroom every day and suddenly, two or three weeks ago, you are not able to evacuate easily. Or changed the shape of your stool. Now it is darker, lighter. Or have blood. And third, you should suspect that you may have a hidden disease. If you followed all the advice that I told you about before and you still continue to produce excess gas, especially associated with those other symptoms that I told you about. If you suspect that you suffer from any of these health problems, I suggest consulting a gastroenterologist. But my advice is that in addition to making a medical consultation, take advantage of it and start treating constipation as well. And for this, increasing water intake is essential. You must consume at least 30 milliliters per kilo you have of water per day. But hey, there are many foods that can be used as real remedies to improve digestion and flatulence. For example. Ginger. Consuming it raw or in the form of tea 30 minutes before or two hours after meals can greatly improve these symptoms. And we have a specific video explaining how to use ginger as a remedy. Other infusions that avidly improve digestive symptoms. For example, cloves, which we also have a video explaining how to use. You can prepare it with a teaspoon of cloves in 200 milliliters of water, let it rest for ten minutes and take it 30 minutes before or two hours after meals. Also mint, star anise and chamomile are very good for the stomach and digestive symptoms. Other very good natural tips. You can add herbs to your dishes, for example basil, parsley, pepper, cardamom. All this can help reduce flatulence, as long as you do not have contraindications to use them.
And what about the treatment and remedies to improve gas? Well, I never recommend that you self-medicate and that whenever you make a change or a new introduction of any product, even if it is natural, you consult your doctor beforehand to evaluate your health condition. But a remedy called «simethicone» can help a lot and what is usually recommended is 40 to 80 milligrams three times a day taken 20 to 30 minutes before eating. This can help reduce the size of the gas bubbles inside your intestine, making it less bloated and easier to pass. Other people may need digestive enzymes, mainly those with pancreas problems or use some type of capsule probiotic, which are bacteria that will improve your intestinal microbiota. That is why it is important to consult your doctor, especially if the symptoms are very intense or do not improve with the natural advice that I told you before. There are also massages and exercises that you can do inside your home to improve symptoms, such as lying on your back, bending your legs and knees, and placing your thighs on your belly and chest. The famous position that a baby is put to eliminate gases. You can also perform circular massages around your navel by applying light pressure. You can apply a cloth with warm water and do these massages or use some type of cream or essential oil. In some cases, this can help ease your bowel movements and relieve symptoms.
I hope you found this article informative and helpful in understanding the causes of excessive gas and how to alleviate it naturally. Remember to listen to your body and seek medical attention if necessary. Taking care of your digestive health is essential for overall well-being. Stay tuned for more helpful articles and health tips!
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